Category Class (P2)
This is the category of all pages documenting UnrealScript classes that are part of Postal 2.
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Members of this category: 51 pages found
- Admin
- AdminBase
- Brush
- CameraText
- CameraTitle
- ChangeViewTrigger
- Cheerleaders
- DayBase
- DMMutator (P2)
- ErrandBase
- ErrandGoal
- ErrandGoalDropOffPickup
- ErrandGoalGetAmmoMax
- ErrandGoalGetInvClass
- ErrandGoalGetInvClassFromPerson
- ErrandGoalGetPickup
- ErrandGoalGiveInventory
- ErrandGoalKillMe
- ErrandGoalTag
- ErrandGoalTalkTo
- ErrandGoalUrineQuotaMet
- FaceToTalkTrigger
- FPSConsole
- FPSConsoleExt
- FPSController
- FPSGameInfo
- FPSPawn
- FPSPlayer
- HomeNode
- InterestPoint
- InterestVolume
- LineOfSightHint
- MultiPickup
- P2AmmoInv
- P2CheatManager
- P2Damage
- P2Player
- P2PowerupPickup
- P2Screen
- PathBlockingVolume
- PawnSpawner
- QPoint
- ScriptedController (P2)
- SnipingVolume (P2)
- Spawner
- TriggerApocalypse
- TriggeredHint
- TriggerMapReminder
- TriggerSuper
- UrineBucket
- XMutator (P2)