This class defines a species in terms of species-specific characteristics. See also Defining SpeciesTypes to see how you can modify pawns depending on their species-characteristics.
- string MaleVoice
- string FemaleVoice
- string GibGroup
- string MaleRagSkelName
- string FemaleRagSkelName
- string FemaleSkeleton
- string MaleSkeleton
- string MaleSoundGroup
- string FemaleSoundGroup
- string PawnClassName
- The Pawn class to use for that species, e.g. "xGame.xPawn".
- string SpeciesName (localized)
- A name for the species, e.g. "Human", "Alien", "Night", etc.
- int RaceNum
- ?
- float AirControl
- Factor to apply to default air control, i.e. when pawn is jumping through the air.
- float GroundSpeed
- Factor to apply to default ground speed. Determines how fast the pawn can run.
- float WaterSpeed
- Factor to apply to water speed. Determines how fast the pawn can move in water.
- float JumpZ
- Factor to apply to jump height. Determines how high the pawn can jump.
- float ReceivedDamageScaling
- Factor to apply when this species receives damage. Might increase or decrease the received damage, e.g. for a tough species the net damage could be decreased.
- float DamageScaling
- Factor to apply when this species does damage to another pawn. For example, for a species having a hard punch this factor might be increased.
- float AccelRate
- Factor to apply to the acceleration. Determines how fast a pawn comes to its 'high-speed'.
- float WalkingPct
- Factor to apply to the walking speed. Determines how fast a pawn walks, when not running.
- float CrouchedPct
- Factor to apply to the crouching speed. Determines how fast a pawn moves when crouching.
- float DodgeSpeedFactor
- Factor to apply to the dodging speed. Determines (together with DodgeSpeedZ) how far a pawn can dodge.
- float DodgeSpeedZ
- Factor to apply to the jumping height when dodging. Determines (together with DodgeSpeedFactor) how far a pawn can dodge.
These characteristics all modify a pawn P in the function ModifyPawn by multiplication, for example:
P.JumpZ = P.Default.JumpZ * Default.JumpZ;
Note that this modification only takes place if you use the Mutator MutSpeciesStat
All methods of the SpeciesType class are static functions.
- LoadResources (xUtil?.PlayerRecord rec, LevelInfo Level, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, int TeamNum)
- int ModifyReceivedDamage (int Damage, Pawn (UT) injured, Pawn (UT) instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)
- Modifies the damage a pawn of this species receives.
- int ModifyImpartedDamage (int Damage, Pawn (UT) injured, Pawn (UT) instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)
- Modifies the damage a pawn of this species does to other pawns.
- ModifyPawn (Pawn (UT) P)
- string GetRagSkelName (string MeshName)
- Returns the name of the karma ragdoll skeleton to use for the given mesh.
- bool Setup (xPawn P, xUtil?.PlayerRecord rec)
Known Subclasses
SpeciesType +-SPECIES_Alien? +-SPECIES_Bot? +-SPECIES_Human? | +-SPECIES_Egypt? | +-SPECIES_Merc? | +-SPECIES_Night? +-SPECIES_Jugg?
Related Topics
- Defining SpeciesTypes – A tutorial on defining custom species
- SpeciesGameRules