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UT2003 :: Object >> SpeciesType (Package: xGame)

This class defines a species in terms of species-specific characteristics. See also Defining SpeciesTypes to see how you can modify pawns depending on their species-characteristics.


string MaleVoice
string FemaleVoice
string GibGroup
string MaleRagSkelName
string FemaleRagSkelName
string FemaleSkeleton
string MaleSkeleton
string MaleSoundGroup
string FemaleSoundGroup
string PawnClassName
The Pawn class to use for that species, e.g. "xGame.xPawn".
string SpeciesName (localized)
A name for the species, e.g. "Human", "Alien", "Night", etc.
int RaceNum
float AirControl
Factor to apply to default air control, i.e. when pawn is jumping through the air.
float GroundSpeed
Factor to apply to default ground speed. Determines how fast the pawn can run.
float WaterSpeed
Factor to apply to water speed. Determines how fast the pawn can move in water.
float JumpZ
Factor to apply to jump height. Determines how high the pawn can jump.
float ReceivedDamageScaling
Factor to apply when this species receives damage. Might increase or decrease the received damage, e.g. for a tough species the net damage could be decreased.
float DamageScaling
Factor to apply when this species does damage to another pawn. For example, for a species having a hard punch this factor might be increased.
float AccelRate
Factor to apply to the acceleration. Determines how fast a pawn comes to its 'high-speed'.
float WalkingPct
Factor to apply to the walking speed. Determines how fast a pawn walks, when not running.
float CrouchedPct
Factor to apply to the crouching speed. Determines how fast a pawn moves when crouching.
float DodgeSpeedFactor
Factor to apply to the dodging speed. Determines (together with DodgeSpeedZ) how far a pawn can dodge.
float DodgeSpeedZ
Factor to apply to the jumping height when dodging. Determines (together with DodgeSpeedFactor) how far a pawn can dodge.

These characteristics all modify a pawn P in the function ModifyPawn by multiplication, for example:

P.JumpZ = P.Default.JumpZ * Default.JumpZ;

Note that this modification only takes place if you use the Mutator MutSpeciesStat


All methods of the SpeciesType class are static functions.

LoadResources (xUtil?.PlayerRecord rec, LevelInfo Level, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, int TeamNum)
int ModifyReceivedDamage (int Damage, Pawn (UT) injured, Pawn (UT) instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)
Modifies the damage a pawn of this species receives.
int ModifyImpartedDamage (int Damage, Pawn (UT) injured, Pawn (UT) instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)
Modifies the damage a pawn of this species does to other pawns.
ModifyPawn (Pawn (UT) P)
string GetRagSkelName (string MeshName)
Returns the name of the karma ragdoll skeleton to use for the given mesh.
bool Setup (xPawn P, xUtil?.PlayerRecord rec)

Known Subclasses

    |   +-SPECIES_Egypt?
    |   +-SPECIES_Merc?
    |   +-SPECIES_Night?

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