
- int DamageMax
- int DamageMin
- class<DamageType> DamageType
- The class of the damage type
- float Momentum
Momentum is a scaler that is applied to a vector. It represents the force in which a strike hits. Anything less than 50000 probably won't be very noticable unless you're playing in low gravity. Warning: Always make sure you use a normal vector, not a directional vector. You use a directional vector and the person will get killed from the force of impact from smashing into a wall.
Remember :MomentumTransfer for Projectiles is the same as Momentum for InstantFire classes.
A normal vector has the value range of -1.0 to 1.0. A directional vector is relative to the origin of the world, and can easily have a range of +- 1000 or greater. And yes, the Momentum variable is a float, but if you look at the TakeDamage function, the paramener that the X*Momentum feeds is a vector, not a float. Momentum is used as a scalAr.A normal vector is one with a magnitude of 1.0 (that is, VSize(vector) = 1.0)
- float TraceRange
- The weapon maximum range
- float MaxRange ( )
- Returns the weapon range stored in TraceRange;
- DoFireEffect( )
- This function:
- Makes your pawn do some noise;
- Set the start of the hit trace right in front of the eye;
- Calls WeaponFire (UT2003).AdjustAim, that calls a native function to adjust aim (maybe it helps your aiming, if auto aim is on)
- Add Some random error to aim
- Calls DoTrace, passing the start of the hit trace and the rotation desired
- DoTrace (Vector Start, Rotator Dir)
- This function tells where we hit, applyes damage and calls the creation of the visual effects for our shot:
- This is a reflective weapon, so we will be on a reflection loop until we hit something not reflective or have reflected 3 times;
- Defines the max range of our trace with:
End = Start + TraceRange * X;
- Other is where we hit; The trace returns the HitLocation and the HitNormal vectors, used for spawning the effects in the hit place:
Other = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, End, Start, true);
- Now, do some reflection tests. If we hit in something that should be hurt, apply the damage with:
Other.TakeDamage(Damage, Instigator, HitLocation, Momentum*X, DamageType);
- Call SpawnBeamEffect, to create the visual effects for this shot.
Known Subclasses
- AssaultFire?
- MinigunFire
- ShockBeamFire
- SuperShockBeamFire?
- SniperFire?
Category Class (UT2003)
Category Class (UT2004)
Category To Do - fill in subclass tree up to UT2004, class looks the same as ut2003 version.