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UT2003 :: Actor >> Projectile (Package: Engine)

This class represents actors that are fired or launched as indepentant entities, as opposed to instantfire weapons. A delayed-hit projectile that moves around for some time after it is created.


All of these properties are hidden.


float Speed
Initial speed of projectile.
float MaxSpeed
Limit on speed of projectile (0 means no limit)
float TossZ
Actor ZeroCollider
bool bSwitchToZeroCollision
If collisionextent nonzero, and hit actor with bBlockNonZeroExtents=0, switch to zero extent collision
bool bNoFX
Used to prevent effects when projectiles are destroyed (see LimitationVolume)
bool bReadyToSplash
bool bSpecialCalcView
Use the projectile's SpecialCalcView function instead of letting the playercontroller handle the camera


float Damage
float DamageRadius
float MomentumTransfer
Momentum magnitude imparted by impacting projectile.
class<DamageType> MyDamageType

Sound Effects

sound SpawnSound
Sound made when projectile is spawned.
sound ImpactSound
Sound made when projectile hits something.

Explosion Effects

class<Projector> ExplosionDecal
float ExploWallOut
Distance to move explosions out from wall
Controller InstigatorController
Actor LastTouched
Actor HurtWall
float MaxEffectDistance
bool bScriptPostRender
If true, PostRender2D() gets called.



Explode( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal ) (simulated)
Calls Destroy().


PostRender2D( Canvas C, float ScreenLocX, float ScreenLocY ) (simulated)
Called if bScriptPostRender is true.

Known Subclasses

   +- BioGlob?
   +- FlakChunk?
   +- Grenade?
   +- LinkProjectile?
   +- RedeemerProjectile?
   +- RocketProj?
   |    +- SeekingRocketProj?
   |         +- BulldogRocket?
   +- ShockProjectile?
   +- SpawnerProjectile?
   +- TranslocatorBeacon?
   |    +- TransBeacon?
   |        +- BlueBeacon?
   |        +- RedBeacon?
   +- Flakshell?

Related Topics

Category Class (UT2003)

Category Class (UT2004)

Category To Do – Need function defs. Subclass tree needs filling in.

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