
Uses a texture as displacement for another texture. Both textures must have exactly the same dimensions to make this work.
Also see [Animated Real-Time Textures].
IceLayer Group
- byte Amplitude
- byte Frequency
- Frequency and Amplitude act on the speed and size of the circular and wavy parts of a texture's movements.
- Texture GlassTexture
- Interpreted as an 8-bit distortion vector field.
- bool MoveIce
- The MoveIce switch selects movement of either the GlassTexture or SourceTexture.
- PanningType PanningStyle
- Texture SourceTexture
- TimingType TimeMethod
- byte HorizPanSpeed
- byte VertPanSpeed
- HorizPanSpeed and VertPanSpeed determine the movement in the Linear and WavyX/Y modes, with a zero-point of (128,128).
- int ForceRefresh
- int LocalSource
- float MasterCount
- Texture OldGlassTex
- Texture OldSourceTex
- int OldUDisplace
- int OldVDisplace
- float TickAccu
- float UDisplace
- float UPosition
- float VDisplace
- float VPosition
- SLIDE_Linear
- Move a texture with speed settings HorizPanSpeed and VertPanSpeed.
- SLIDE_Circular
- Circular movement using Frequency, around a radius equal to Amplitude.
- SLIDE_Gestation
- Irregular movement using Frequency and Amplitude.
- A wavy horizontal movement of Frequency and Amplitude.
- A wavy vertical movement of Frequency and Amplitude.
- TIME_FrameRateSync
- The default setting of TIME_FrameRateSync will not give framerate-independent animations, but is still a good choice if you need smoothness, since a once-per-frame update will ensure the texture moves a little bit every frame without big skips.
- TIME_RealTimeScroll
- By setting the TimeMethod parameter to TIME_RealTimeScroll, the animation speed you see in the editor matches the in-game speed exactly regardless of the frame rate; it will skip intermediate panning positions if necessary.