This example is useful for a grenade style weapon, such as, well, grenades
class FlakAltFire extends ProjectileFire; // class and the parent class function InitEffects() // initiates the muzzle flash emitter { Super.InitEffects(); if ( FlashEmitter == None ) FlashEmitter = Weapon.FireMode[0].FlashEmitter; } defaultproperties // default properties for some of the variables { // (others are inherited from ProjectileFire) ProjSpawnOffset=(X=25.000000,Y=9.000000,Z=-12.000000) // where the projectile is spawned // relative to the player's view FireAnim="AltFire" // animation sequence for firing FireEndAnim="None" FireSound=SoundGroup'WeaponSounds.FlakCannon.FlakCannonAltFire' // sound you get when firing FireForce="FlakCannonAltFire" // force feedback effect when firing FireRate=1.000000 // seconds per shot AmmoClass=Class'XWeapons.FlakAmmo' // the ammunition class used by this firing mode AmmoPerFire=1 // ammo to use for each shot ShakeRotTime=2.000000 ShakeOffsetMag=(X=-20.000000) ShakeOffsetRate=(X=-1000.000000) ShakeOffsetTime=2.000000 ProjectileClass=Class'XWeapons.FlakShell' // the projectile class to be spawned BotRefireRate=0.500000 WarnTargetPct=0.900000 bSplashDamage=True // (AI) this firing mode does splash damage bRecommendSplashDamage=True // (AI) the splash damage is worth being used bTossed=True // (AI) the projectile is affected by gravity }