
The UnrealEd subsystem.
The config properties below can be set in the UnrealEd Advanced Options window.
- int NotifyVtbl (const)
- Level Level (const)
- model TempModel (const)
- texture CurrentTexture (const)
- class CurrentClass (const)
- transbuffer Trans (const)
- textbuffer Results (const)
- int Pad[8] (const)
- texture MenuUp, MenuDn (const)
- texture CollOn, CollOff (const)
- texture PlyrOn, PlyrOff (const)
- texture LiteOn, LiteOff (const)
- texture Bad, Bkgnd, BkgndHi (const)
- bool bFastRebuild, bBootstrapping (const)
- int AutoSaveIndex (const, config)
- int AutoSaveCount, Mode, ClickFlags (const)
- float MovementSpeed (const)
- package PackageContext (const)
- vector AddLocation (const)
- plane AddPlane (const)
- array<Object> Tools (const)
- class BrowseClass (const)
- int ConstraintsVtbl (const)
- bool GridEnabled (config)
- bool SnapVertices (config)
- bool AffectRegion (config)
- bool TextureLock (config)
- bool SelectionLock (config)
- float SnapDistance (config)
- vector GridSize (config)
- bool RotGridEnabled (config)
- rotator RotGridSize (config)
- float FovAngleDegrees (config)
- bool GodMode (config)
- bool AutoSave (config)
- byte AutosaveTimeMinutes (config)
- string GameCommandLine (config)
- array<string> EditPackages (config)
- color C_WorldBox (config)
- color C_GroundPlane (config)
- color C_GroundHighlight (config)
- color C_BrushWire (config)
- color C_Pivot (config)
- color C_Select (config)
- color C_Current (config)
- color C_AddWire (config)
- color C_SubtractWire (config)
- color C_GreyWire (config)
- color C_BrushVertex (config)
- color C_BrushSnap (config)
- color C_Invalid (config)
- color C_ActorWire (config)
- color C_ActorHiWire (config)
- color C_Black (config)
- color C_White (config)
- color C_Mask (config)
- color C_SemiSolidWire (config)
- color C_NonSolidWire (config)
- color C_WireBackground (config)
- color C_WireGridAxis (config)
- color C_ActorArrow (config)
- color C_ScaleBox (config)
- color C_ScaleBoxHi (config)
- color C_ZoneWire (config)
- color C_Mover (config)
- color C_OrthoBackground (config)
Related Topics
Category To Do – Could use function, event and state defs. Property defs can be filled in.