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UT :: Object >> Subsystem (Package: Core)
UT2003 :: Object >> Subsystem (Package: Core)

The base class all subsystems. Subsystems usually correspond to large C++ classes. The benefit of defining a C++ class as a subsystem is that you can make some of its variables script-accessible, and you can make some of its properties automatically saveable as part of the configuration.

Known Subclasses

  +- AudioSubsystem     (native)
  |   +- ALAudioSubsystem       (native, only UT200x and UT Linux Port)
  |   +- GalaxyAudioSubsystem   (native, only UT - Epic Version)
  |   +- GalaxyAudioSubSystem   (native, third party for UT, made by Creative Labs to add EAX support, available [here])
  |   +- GenericAudioSubsystem  (native)
  +- Engine
  |   +- EditorEngine
  |   |   +- UnrealEdEngine     (only UT200x)
  |   +- GameEngine
  +- Input      (native)
  +- NetDriver  (native)
  |   +- DemoRecDriver  (native)
  |   +- TcpNetDriver   (native)
  +- RenderDevice       (native)
  |   +- D3DRenderDevice         (native)
  |   +- D3D8RenderDevice        (native, third-party for UT, available [here])
  |   +- D3D9RenderDevice        (native, temporarily in UT2004 v3204)
  |   +- GlideRenderDevice       (native, only UT)
  |   +- NullRenderDevice        (native, only UT200x)
  |   +- MetalRenderDevice       (native, only UT)
  |   +- OpenGLRenderDevice      (native)
  |   +- PixoRenderDevice        (native, only UT2004)
  |   +- SDLSoftwareRenderDevice (native, only UT Linux)
  |   +- SDLGLRenderDevice       (native, only UT Linux)
  |   +- RaveRenderDevice        (native, only UT Mac)
  |   +- SGLRenderDevice         (native, only UT)
  |   +- SoftwareRenderDevice    (native, only UT)
  +- System (native)

Category Class (UT)
Category Class (UT2003)
Category Class (UT2004)
Category Class Tree

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