This is the modified player Pawn used in the Mutant gametype introduced in UT2004. It allows for Mutant skin and particles.
All properties are hidden.
- MutantGameReplicationInfo? MutantGRI
- This is so the pawn can know if its the mutant...
- bool bMutantEffect
- Current Mutant
- bool bOldMutantEffect
- Was Mutant
- Emitter MutantFX
- The Emitter for Mutant particle effects.
- MutantDamage()
- Set bAlreadyDead if Health <= 0. Decrement Health by 1. If not bAlreadyDead and if Health <= 0, set TearOffMomentum = vect(0, 0, 0) and call Died( None, class'DamTypeMutant', Location).
- TickFX( float DeltaTime ) (simulated)
- Call Super.TickFX(DeltaTime). If MutantGRI.MutantPRI != None and MutantGRI.MutantPRI == PlayerReplicationInfo, set bMutantEffect to true. Otherwise set bMutantEffect to false. Set bScriptPostRender = ((Level.GRI != None) && (PlayerReplicationInfo == MutantGameReplicationInfo(Level.GRI).BottomFeederPRI)). If bMutantEffect is true and bOldMutantEffect is false, set MutantFX = Spawn(class'BonusPack.MutantGlow', self, , Location) and set MutantFX.Emitters[0].SkeletalMeshActor = self, MutantFX.SetLocation(Location - vect(0, 0, 49)), MutantFX.SetRotation(Rotation + rot(0, -16384, 0)) and MutantFX.SetBase(self) to add the Mutant effects. Otherwise if bMutantEffect is false and bOldMutantEffect is true, set MutantFX.Emitters[0].SkeletalMeshActor = None, call MutantFX.Kill() and set MutantFX = None to remove the Mutant effects. Set bOldMutantEffect = bMutantEffect.
- Destroyed() (simulated)
- If MutantFX != None, set MutantFX.Emitters[0].SkeletalMeshActor = None, call MutantFX.Kill() and set MutantFX = None. Call Super.Destroyed().
- PostBeginPlay()
- If Role == ROLE_Authority and Level.Game =! None, set MutantGRI to MutantGameReplicationInfo(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo).