Unreal Movie Studio
Created by [UnFramed Productions]
Coding by Stephen 'Nemesis' Deaver, Yoda and Hugh
About UMS
[Unreal Movie Studio] is a tool for Unreal Tournament which allows you to make powerful cutscenes, and movies. It has a simple script system, which allows people to manipulate cameras, and characters, and tell a story your way.
Some features of UMS include:
- Easy to use Director system - all the commands are laid out in front of you
- Full control over cameras
- Full control over pawns (actors) including rate of animations, and the ability to choose the animation
- Full skin lip-sync (with UT's ability to have multiple skins, UMS is able to animate one of the skins for, say, mouth movement on the head)
- Control over any triggerable event, including movers, explosions, breaking glass, and any other effect already part of UT, plus many other possible codable effects
- The ability to easily load up another map (scene).
- Animateable heads seperate from body, for model lip-synching
- Full fade control
- Easy to use credits
- Full modularity, allowing for user-created modules to be added on
Introduction to Unreal Movie Studio and the basics
Pawn (actor) usage and techniques
Effects? (coming soon)
[Lip-synching using skins]? (coming soon)
[Lip-synching using models]? (coming soon)
Credits? (coming soon)
All these tutorials (including ones that aren't on UnrealWiki yet) can be found at
Download UMS
You can download UMS from the [ downloads page]
You can download UMS HUD fix from the [ downloads page]
Tarquin: would you like me to remove the non-subpage versions of the UM tutorials?
Hugh: That would be wonderful - I'd just e-mailed Mychaeel asking him how I could do it, but if you could, that would be great. Thanks
Tarquin: done.
NoFear MSL: Great work with the Tutorials!! I Like the Interpolations Tutorial!
by the way, Your linkt to the UMS homepage is Dead. Or the site has been moved!? Either wayt it doesn't work any more
Wormbo: It's also your link. Please change it if you can find a working link.
Ars-Magna: I found the new location of Unframed Productions. Seems someone stole their domain name.
Daid: MMMM... oops? We named our Paintball mod, Ultimate Survival, but we sorten it to UMS when we talk about it...[Ultimate Survival Site] Are there any plans for UnrealMovieStudio2003?
EntropicLqd: Uh - Isn't that called Matinee?
Daid: well, can't you do more with UnrealMovieStudio then with Matinee? I wouldn't know never looked into one of them.
Foxpaw: You can do "more" with UMS than with Matinee, however I don't know if that "more" is necessarily "more useful" or just plain "more." I think this was written for UT though, which didn't have Matinee. As a side-note, the Unreal Engine claims to have support for lip-sync stuff natively, but I don't think any of it has been defined in UnrealScript for UT2003.
GTD-Carthage: The download link doesn't work... does that mean there's no longer any chance for making movies with Unreal Tournament 1999?
GTD-Carthage: <double comment> Hey, the missing download for UMS hasn't been resolved yet. :o I guess UMS is... gone with the Net? :O
Boff: This look like a good mod. I'll try e-mailing Hugh to see what's the problem.
MythOpus: This isn't a mod, it's a 3rd party matinee system for UT 1.
Boff: Mere semantics, m3h!