This is the pick-up actor for the damage amplifying power-up. UDamageCharger? spawns this automatically when the game begins (see xPickUpBase.PostBeginPlay).
Unlike weapons and ammo, this pickup doesn't give players invetory. This is what happens:
- the pickup it calls EnableUDamage() on the touching Pawn.
- xPawn's implementation of EnableUDamage() does a number of things:
- spawns a UDamageTimer?, with the Pawn as the owner
- sets the Timer() function on the UDamageTimer
- displays visible effects
- UDamageTimer destroys itself and calls DisableUDamage() on its owner pawn
- bool bInstantRespawn
- The UDamagePack will wait the RespawnTime before spawning a new power up unless this is set to true.
- class<Pickup> InventoryType
- This is the item this Pickup will spawn. (Default set to "None".)
- string PickUpBase
- Default set to "None".
- string PickupForce
- Default set to "UDamagePickup".
- string PickupMessage
- This is a message that will be displayed when a power up is taken.
- string PickupSound
- This is the sound played when a power up is taken.
- float RespawnTime
- The time interval that the UDamagePAck will wait before spawning a new power up.