Speed Trap
Delete Me - Duplicated. VitalOverdose/Speed Trap is more upto date
Part of Vital'sPMT
This custom class is a trigger that tests the speed of the vehicle against a value set in unrealed by the mapper.
The test against the value set can be greater than or lesser than. Its a boolean variable (true/false) and is set to greater than as a default and can set by the mapper in unrealed.
Once the condition has been me the speedtrap will call whatever is in its event property.
- Can Test For > or < lower than stateted speed set by the mapper.
- Triggers self when condition is met.
Whatever touched us gets validated in the touch function, if we get touched by a vehicle or one of its children the result is a valid ref to a vehicle stored in local variable 'vec'.
At the movent the speed of the vehicle is measured by velocity but can be converted to a more managable number through using Vsize?. A typical value for testing fast or slow is about 350.
if ((bLessThan) && (VSize(vec.velocity)<TestSpeed)) Triggerevent(event,self,instigator); // TRIGGER SELF if ( (!bLessThan) && (VSize(vec.velocity)>TestSpeed) ) Triggerevent(event,self,instigator); // TRIGGER SELF
So quite simply when a vehicle traving the right speed to meet the condition set by the mapper touches the speed_trap it calls whatever is store in the event property just like a normal tigger.
Completed Script
The completed script looks like this;-
//----------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------- class Speed_Trap extends Trigger; var () float TestSpeed; var () bool bLessThan; function Touch(actor other) { local Vehicle vec; vec=Vehicle(other); if ( vec != none ) // IF TOUCHED BY A VEHICLE { if ((bLessThan) && (VSize(vec.velocity)<TestSpeed)) Triggerevent(event,self,instigator); // TRIGGER SELF if ( (!bLessThan) && (VSize(vec.velocity)>TestSpeed) ) Triggerevent(event,self,instigator); // TRIGGER SELF } }
Here is a link to the .UC for this script;-[Download .U file]
Tarquin: please use standard formatting, Vital. Also, no other class names use underscores, so I would suggest you call this SpeedTrap.
Tarquin: There's also VitalOverdose/Speed Trap. Please delete one.