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UT :: Actor (UT) >> ParticleSystem >> ParticleEmitter

This class is part of RParticles by Raven

Base class for all Emitters. From every state only NormalParticle is working. It has no replication and it's completly clientside and thus should couse no lag. Working states: TriggerToggle, TriggerTurnsOn, TriggerTurnsOff, TriggerControl and TriggerBlast can be found in ExtendedEmitter. If you want to create wepon effects use WeaponEmitter

Group ParticleEmitter

float BeforeDieSleep
Time between calling GoToState('DeforeDie') and destroying emitter
bool WaitForParticles
Should emitter wait till all particle it created dies before it call Destroy function
float WaitPause
Pause between re-check for existing particles which owenr is Emitter

Group ParticleEmitter

bool bOn
Is active or not.
bool bPerformanceMode
Should performance mode be on (NewIntensity/NewIntervall will be used if player is outside VisibilityRadius/can't see emitter).
Burst BurstMethod
Burst method (See enum Burst below).
vector EffectArea
Area where particle will be spawned.
float GeneratorLife
Emitter life time (0 = not used).
float Intensity
How many particles will be spawned in one burst.
float Intervall
Time between bursts.
bool LineOfSightCheck
Should emitter stops/go to performance mode if player can't see it.
float NewIntensity
New intensity (performance mode).
float NewIntervall
New intervall (performance mode)
blool OneShot
Emitter will be destroyed after first burst.
int ParticlesLimit
Number of particles in the emitter.
Select SelectionMethod
Selection method (See enum Select below)
float VisibilityRadius
Emitter visibility radius.

Group ParticleTemplate

float NumTemplates
Number of used templates (can not be 0!!).
Advanced Particle_Advanced[16]

Advanced variables

SAnimation Particle_Animation[16]

Animation variables

SBounce Particle_Bounce[16]

Bounce variables

SBuoyance Particle_Buoyance[16]

Bouyance variables

SCollision Particle_Collision[16]

Collision variables

SDamage Particle_Damage[16]

Damage variables

SDecal Particle_Decal[16]

Decal variables

SDisplay Particle_Display[16]

Display variables

SFading Particle_Fading[16]

Fading variables

SGlobal Particle_Global

Global variables which can be forced to all templates

SLightColor Particle_LightColor[16]

LightColor variables

SLighting Particle_Lighting[16]

Lighting variables

SLight Particle_Light[16]

Light variables

SMain Particle_Main[16]

Main variables

SPhysics Particle_Physics[16]

Physics variables

SSize Particle_Size[16]

Size variables

SSound Particle_Sound[16]

Sound variables

SVelocity Particle_InvertVelocity[16]

Advanced velocity variables

SSpawnPlace Particle_EffectArea[16]

Override default effectarea

SMesh Particle_Mesh[16]

Mesh related variables. Used if bUseMesh in Particle_Display is true

SDest Particle_Destination[16]

Optional destination

SRot Particle_RandomRotation[16]

Random rotation support




in each burst only one template will be used
in each burst many templates will be used


cyclically iterate through the ParticleTemplate
randomly pick a particle from the ParticleTemplate

Category Class (UT)

Category Mapping
Category Custom Class

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