This class is part of RParticles by Raven
Base class for all Emitters. From every state only NormalParticle is working. It has no replication and it's completly clientside and thus should couse no lag. Working states: TriggerToggle, TriggerTurnsOn, TriggerTurnsOff, TriggerControl and TriggerBlast can be found in ExtendedEmitter. If you want to create wepon effects use WeaponEmitter
Group ParticleEmitter
- float BeforeDieSleep
- Time between calling GoToState('DeforeDie') and destroying emitter
- bool WaitForParticles
- Should emitter wait till all particle it created dies before it call Destroy function
- float WaitPause
- Pause between re-check for existing particles which owenr is Emitter
Group ParticleEmitter
- bool bOn
- Is active or not.
- bool bPerformanceMode
- Should performance mode be on (NewIntensity/NewIntervall will be used if player is outside VisibilityRadius/can't see emitter).
- Burst BurstMethod
- Burst method (See enum Burst below).
- vector EffectArea
- Area where particle will be spawned.
- float GeneratorLife
- Emitter life time (0 = not used).
- float Intensity
- How many particles will be spawned in one burst.
- float Intervall
- Time between bursts.
- bool LineOfSightCheck
- Should emitter stops/go to performance mode if player can't see it.
- float NewIntensity
- New intensity (performance mode).
- float NewIntervall
- New intervall (performance mode)
- blool OneShot
- Emitter will be destroyed after first burst.
- int ParticlesLimit
- Number of particles in the emitter.
- Select SelectionMethod
- Selection method (See enum Select below)
- float VisibilityRadius
- Emitter visibility radius.
Group ParticleTemplate
- float NumTemplates
- Number of used templates (can not be 0!!).
- Advanced Particle_Advanced[16]
- bool bUseParticleClass
- can we use custom class
- class<BasicParticle> ParticleClass
- custom class
- SAnimation Particle_Animation[16]
- texture AnimTextures[60]
- animation textures
- int NumOfTextures
- number of textures
- bool DefineAnimationStorage
- should animated textures be taken from 'AnimationStorage' class (for coders)
- class<ParticleAnimationStorage> ParticleAnimationStorage
- stores animations (for coders)
- SBounce Particle_Bounce[16]
- bool CanBounce
- can we use bounce
- float BounceRatio
- bounce ratio
- float BounceModifier
- bounce height (when landed)
- bool EndlessBounce
- will bounce till it die if true
- int BounceNum
- if EndlessBounce is false this is number of bounces
- SBuoyance Particle_Buoyance[16]
- bool CanBuoyance
- can buoyance in water
- bool SplashWhenHitWater
- splash when hit water
- bool SoundWhenHitWater
- plays sound when hit water
- float ParticleBuoyancy
- particle buoyancy
- float ParticleMass
- particle mass
- SCollision Particle_Collision[16]
- bool ParticlesUseCollision
- particle shoud collide with world and actors?
- float ParticleCollisonRadius
- collision radius
- float ParticleCollisonHeight
- collision height
- bool CollideWithActors
- will collide with actors if true
- bool BlockPlayers
- will block players if true
- bool BlockActors
- will block actors if true
- bool ParticleCollideWorld
- will Collide world
- bool DestroyWhenTouch
- will destroy particle when touching an actor
- bool DestroyWhenColideWorld
- will destroy particle when touching world geometry (eg walls)
- bool DestroyWhenLand
- will destroy particle when land
- bool DestroyWhenTouchWater
- will destroy particle when touches water
- bool StopWhenTouchWall
- will stop when touches world geometry
- bool StopWhenTouchPawn
- will stop when touches pawn
- bool StickToWall
- will stick to wall
- bool StickToPawn
- will stick to pawn
- bool bSpawnLandEffect
- spawn effect when landed
- class<actor> LandEffect
- land effect
- bool bOverrideWaterEntrySound
- override default water entry sound (if particles_use_collision is false)
- sound WaterEntrySound
- water entry sound
- bool bOverrideWaterEntryEffect
- override default water entry actor (if particles_use_collision is false)
- class<actor> WaterEntryActor
- water entry actor
- bool bSpawnEffectOnDestroy
- spawn effect when destroy
- class<actor> DestroyEffect
- destroy effect
- SDamage Particle_Damage[16]
- bool ParticleGivesDamage
- particle will give damage when touchening actor
- name ParticleDamageType
- damage type
- int ParticleDamage
- damage
- bool PlayerTakeDamage
- player pawn can be damaged
- bool ScriptedPawnTakeDamage
- scripted pawns can be damaged
- bool FlockPawnTakeDamage
- flock pawns can be damaged
- bool OtherActorTakeDamage
- all other actors such as eg. wooden boxes can be damaged
- int MomentumTransfer
- momentum transfer
- SDecal Particle_Decal[16]
- texture ParticleDecalTexture
- texture used for decal
- bool ParticleSpawnDecal
- particle will spawn decal (true) when they hit wall
- class<decal> ParticleDecal
- decal class
- float ParticleDecalSize
- decal size
- bool bLimitDecals
- if true, decals will be limited
- SDisplay Particle_Display[16]
- ERenderStyle ParticleStyle
- particle render style
- bool bUnlitParticle
- is particle unlit
- bool bParticleCastShadow
- particle cast shadow
- bool bParticleMeshEnviroMap
- only when particle is a mesh
- bool bUseMesh
- particle will use mesh instead of sprite
- mesh PraticleMesh
- mesh (if use_mesh is true)
- bool bUseRandomTexture
- uses random texture from anim_textures
- texture ParticleTexture
- particle texture (if doesn't use particle animation
- bool bUseSpriteAnimation
- particle will use sprite animation
- SFading Particle_Fading[16]
- bool CanFadeOut
- can fade out
- bool CanFadeIn
- can fade in
- float InitailScaleGlow
- initial glow
- float FadeOutTime
- fade out time
- float FadeOutScaleFactor
- feade out scale factor
- float FadeInTime
- fade in time
- float FadeInScaleFactor
- feade scale factor
- SGlobal Particle_Global
Global variables which can be forced to all templates
>> |
- float ParticleLifeTime
- lifespan (in seconds)
- float ParticleLifeTimeVariance
- lifespan variance (in seconds)
- bool bDefineSpeedAsVector
- defines speed as a vector
- vector BaseSpeed
- base particle speed (if bDefineSpeedAsVector is true)
- float SpeedVariance
- speed variance
- float ParticleSpeed
- speed when particle system is rotated as generator
- float SprayFactor
- spray
- float SprayFactorVariance
- spray vairance
- SLightColor Particle_LightColor[16]
- byte ParticleLightBrightness
- light brightness
- byte ParticleLightHue
- light hue
- byte ParticleLightSaturation
- light satruation
- SLighting Particle_Lighting[16]
- ELightType ParticleLightType
- light type (can lag
) - ELightEffect ParticleLightEffect
- light effect (can lag
) - byte ParticleLightRadius
- light radius
- byte ParticleLightPeriod
- light period
- byte ParticleLightPhase
- light phase
- byte ParticleLightCone
- light cone
- byte ParticleVolumeBrightness
- volume brightness
- byte ParticleVolumeRadius
- volume radius
- byte ParticleVolumeFog
- volume fog
- SLight Particle_Light[16]
- bool CastLight;
- particle will cast light!!
- SMain Particle_Main[16]
- bool bForceGlobalSettings
- will force settings from [SGlobal]
- rotator ParticleRotation
- custom particle rotation (useful when we have mesh instead of sprite)
- bool bUseParticleRotation
- should we use custom particle rotation
- float ParticleLifeTime
- lifespan (in seconds)
- float ParticleLifeTimeVariance
- lifespan variance (in seconds)
- float ParticleSlowingDownFactor
- particle slow down factor (can not be 0 (!!) 1.0 : no slow down, ;higher then 1.0 : faster, lower then 1.0 : lower)
- bool bMoveSmooth
- particle will move smooth
- bool bDefineSpeedAsVector
- defines speed as a vector
- vector BaseSpeed
- base particle speed (if bDefineSpeedAsVector is true)
- float SpeedVariance
- speed variance
- float ParticleSpeed
- speed when particle system is rotated as generator
- float SprayFactor
- spray
- float SprayFactorVariance
- spray vairance
- SPhysics Particle_Physics[16]
- EPhysics ParticlePhysics
- custom physic
- bool bCanAccelerate
- particle can accelerate
- vector AccelerateFactor
- accelerate factor
- vector TerminalVelocity
- max accelerate
- EAccelType AccelerationType
- acceleration type
- ACC_Addictive : acceleration will be added to velocity.
- ACC_Multiply : velocity will be multiplied by acceleration.
- SSize Particle_Size[16]
- ESizeType SizeType
- size type
- ST_Normal : particle will not change size
- ST_Grow : particle will grow (ParticleGrowth)
- ST_Shrink : particle will shrink (ParticleShrink)
- ST_Cycle : particle will cyclically shrinks and grow
- ESizing Sizing
- describes end size of particle (not used if SizeType is ST_Cycle)
- SIZING_Infinity: particle will grow/shrink till lifespan ends
- SIZING_UserDecided : particle will grow/shrink till DrawScale reach specifeid size
- float ParticleDrawScale
- particle default size
- float ParticleDrawScaleVariance
- particle default size variance
- float ParticleGrowth
- particle grow rate (absolute number)
- float float ParticleShrink
- particle shrink rate (absolute number)
- float MinSize
- the smallest of particle (only if SizeType is ST_Cycle or Sizing is SIZING_UserDecided)
- float MaxSize
- the biggest size of particle (only if SizeType is ST_Cycle or Sizing is SIZING_UserDecided)
- SSound Particle_Sound[16]
- sound BornSound
- when particle starts it's life
- sound FlyingSound
- particle flying sound
- sound DyingSound
- particle dying sound
- sound LandingSound
- particle landing sound
- sound HittingSound
- when particle hit's wall
- sound TouchingSound
- when particle hits an actor
- ESoundSlot ParticleSoundSlot
- sound slot
- float ParticleSoundVolume
- sound volume
- bool ParticleSoundbNoOverride
- sound no override
- float ParticleSoundRadius
- sound radius
- float ParticleSoundPitch
- sound pitch
- SVelocity Particle_InvertVelocity[16]
Advanced velocity variables
>> |
- bool bUseInvertVelocity
- whenever particle velocity should be changed
- bool InvertX
- X-Axis velocity will be inverted (Velocity.X*=-1)
- bool InvertY
- Y-Axis velocity will be inverted (Velocity.Y*=-1)
- bool InvertZ
- Z-Axis velocity will be inverted (Velocity.Z*=-1)
- float InvertDelay
- change time
- SSpawnPlace Particle_EffectArea[16]
Override default effectarea
>> |
- vector OwnEffectArea
- each template can override effect area
- bool bUseOwnEffectArea
- overrided effect area
- SMesh Particle_Mesh[16]
Mesh related variables. Used if bUseMesh in Particle_Display is true
>> |
- bool bAnimatedMesh
- if mesh have to be animated
- name AnimationName
- name of animation which should be played
- float AnimationRate
- animation rate
- float TweenRate
- tween rate
- ETAnim AnimationType
- animation type
- AN_PlayOnce : should animation be played only once
- AN_Loop : or should it be looped
- EFType FaceObject
- object particle should face
- FACE_None : rotation is not changed
- FACE_Velocity : mesh always faces velocity
- FACE_Actor : mesh always faces chosen actor
- actor LookTarget
- Used if FaceObject== FACE_Actor
- rotator MeshRotationRate
- rotation rate (only if FaceObject== FACE_None)
- SDest Particle_Destination[16]
- actor Destination
- particle destination
- EDest DestinationType
- type of destination
- DEST_None : no destination

- DEST_Once : will pick target's destination only once
- DEST_Seek : will constantly try to found a way to destination actor
- bool bForceFollow
- will ignore anything just to reach destination
- SRot Particle_RandomRotation[16]
Random rotation support
>> |
- bool bRandomizeRotation
- uses random rotation
- bool bRandPitch
- random pitch
- bool bRandYaw
- random yaw
- bool bRandRoll
- randomed roll
- rotator MinRotation
- min rotation
- rotator MaxRotation
- max rotation
- bool bForceRndRot
- forces RotRand() function
- BURST_Linear
- in each burst only one template will be used
- BURST_Random
- in each burst many templates will be used
- SELECT_Linear
- cyclically iterate through the ParticleTemplate
- SELECT_Random
- randomly pick a particle from the ParticleTemplate
Category Class (UT)
Category Mapping
Category Custom Class