ParticleEmitter Cookbook
A page of nice settings for ParticleEmitters.
Owners of UT2004 can find some more examples to play around with in the map ParticleExamples.ut2.
Spawn Locations
Here's some of the ways you can have the particles spawn
Flat disc
- StartLocationShape = PTLS_Polar
- StartLocationPolarRange:
Preset Shapes
- MeshSpawningStaticMesh
- A StaticMesh, whose vertices should be used as possible start location offsets.
The ParticleMeshes package provides some useful StaticMeshes for this. - MeshSpawning
- usually PTMS_Random, but PTMS_Linear might be good for certain effects
- MeshScaleRange
- Similar to DrawScale3D for actors. Use this to scale the StaticMesh if it's too large or too small.
To get multicolored particles spawning, use Color → ColorMultiplierRange. Set all three X, Y, Z components to the range 0.5 - 1, for example.
Ready-cooked examples
Lighting from Asbestos:
BeamDistanceRange=(Min=120.000000,Max=120.000000) DetermineEndPointBy=PTEP_Distance BeamTextureUScale=3.000000 HighFrequencyNoiseRange=(X=(Min=-10.000000,Max=10.000000),Y=(Min=-10.000000,Max=10.000000)) HighFrequencyPoints=4 FadeOutStartTime=0.180000 FadeOut=True CoordinateSystem=PTCS_Relative StartLocationShape=PTLS_Polar StartLocationPolarRange=(Z=(Min=-150.000000,Max=150.000000)) AlphaTest=False RevolutionsPerSecondRange=(X=(Min=1.000000,Max=1.000000),Y=(Min=1.000000,Max=1.000000),Z=(Min=1.000000,Max=1.000000)) UseRotationFrom=PTRS_Normal RotationOffset=(Yaw=-16384) StartSizeRange=(X=(Min=40.000000,Max=40.000000),Y=(Min=2.000000,Max=2.000000)) Texture=Texture'EpicParticles.Beams.HotBolt01aw' LifetimeRange=(Min=0.200000,Max=0.250000) StartVelocityRange=(X=(Min=-51.000000,Max=51.000000),Y=(Min=-51.000000,Max=51.000000)) GetVelocityDirectionFrom=PTVD_AddRadial WarmupTicksPerSecond=1.000000 RelativeWarmupTime=1.000000
Rising bubbles as in DM-Oceanic. These are in a line
Acceleration=(Z=35.000000) MaxParticles=30 StartLocationRange=(X=(Min=-150.000000,Max=150.000000)) UseRotationFrom=PTRS_Actor SpinParticles=True StartSpinRange=(X=(Min=0.500000,Max=0.400000)) StartSizeRange=(X=(Min=1.000000,Max=6.000000),Y=(Min=1.000000,Max=6.000000)) UniformSize=True Texture=Texture'AWGlobal.Liquids.Bubble01aw' LifetimeRange=(Min=6.000000,Max=6.000000) WarmupTicksPerSecond=1.000000 RelativeWarmupTime=1.000000
ZxAnPhOrIaN: Should this have subpages with the actual copy n' paste stuff directly from the editor? It will save the mapper tons of time creating it, and still have the original stuff here.
Tarquin: If you want to copy emitters from other maps, you don't need the wiki: open the map, copy, paste into your map. The above lists need trimming down a bit, but I don't yet understand what all the properties do...
Wormbo: More examples can be found at EmittersExamples, Emitters and ParticleEmitter subclasses are explained at
Tarquin: HElp! where do I find this texture: (or a decent equivalent?)
JonAzz: Just use the picture of the texture provided there or this one:
Bob_The_Beheader: I've had some trouble making spark emmiters to give the effect of a short in an electrical system or something like that. Could someone please write the ingrediants for something like that?