(This actor is new in UT2004)
When a NetworkTrigger's Events→Tag is triggered or reset on the server, it will cause an Events→Event to be triggered/reset on all clients.
NetworkTriggers will keep track of the number of times they have been triggered and reset, and will automatically cause a new client to replay the same sequence when joining a game, to bring it up to the same point as everybody else.
This actor is mainly useful when something which generates events on the server (such as a ScriptedTrigger) needs to trigger actors which only exist on the clients (such as Emitters, and other effects).
It should be noted that if you are considering using a NetworkTrigger to trigger an Emitter, you might want to look at the NetworkEmitter actor, which combines both of these functions in one convenient package.
Important Properties Inherited from Actor
- Events→Tag
- When a trigger matching this tag occurs, this actor will trigger an event on all clients.
- Events→Event
- The name of the event which is triggered on clients.
(Hidden Properties)
- byte TriggerCount [replicated to clients]
- Keeps track of how many times this actor has been triggered.
- byte OldTriggerCount
- Used to determine whether TriggerCount has changed (and thus should generate client event(s)).
- byte ResetCount [replicated to clients]
- Keeps track of how many times this actor has been reset.
- byte OldResetCount
- Used to determine whether ResetCount has changed (and thus should generate client reset(s)).
- bool bNotFirstCall
- Used internally to prevent spurious client resets at the beginning of the game.
- PostNetReceive ( ) [simulated]
- Calls UpdateTriggerCount. Also calls DoClientReset if a resent event has occurred.
- Trigger (Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator) [simulated]
- On the server, updates TriggerCount and initiates a replication event. If called on a client, immediately triggers an Events→Event.
Other Functions
- PostNetBeginPlay ( ) [simulated]
- Calls DoClientReset and UpdateTriggerCount to set up initial property values.
- UpdateTriggerCount ( ) [simulated]
- Keeps track of triggering history, and fires Events→Event triggers as many times as necessary to keep up with TriggerCount.
- DoClientReset ( ) [simulated]
- Calls Reset() on all actors with tags matching Events→Event.
- Reset ( ) [simulated]
- On the server, updates ResetCount and initiates a replication event.
Known Subclasses