Moving Power Cores
Moving PowerCores
By VitalOverdose
In this tutorial i'm going to show you how to have moving powercores and power nodes but without breaking the bot support.
...or at least seem that way to the plaBecause as we all know you cant move navigationpoints,powercores and nodes
without confusing the poor bots.
But we can create the illusion of movement...and a few tricks.
This method can be done with no scripting which works fine if all the players are on foot but to be able to get this working with vehicles I'm going to have to add some code.
This First method requires:
1 mover.
First subtract Very large space 50000x50000x25000
then create a large hollow box half the width and diameter of the first subtracted space (25000x25000x24000) ,about 512 wall thickness.
-Convert the hollow box to a static mesh and use the builder brush to set its collision.
-Remove the box from the level
-Set up basic power core/node on the floor of the original subtracted space.
-Add the box back to the level as a mover and position it so its inside floor is just a tiny bit higher than the subtracted floor.
-Set box as a constant mover and put in some keyframes moving the box from one side of the subtracted space to the other etc..
Put lights and player starts on the inside of the box.
Make sure the collision is set to block everything..
its all an illusion. The nodes and cores stay still the world moves around them.
Vitaloverdose i will be refining this tutorial + pictures shortly
Tarquin: When? You've not even bothered to format it properly. Please do so and update or I'll delete it.
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