Mod Ideas/TeamWeaponArena
This mod was inspired by a Normal Weapons vs Instagib mutator. It allows the following to be specified on a team by team basis:
- The weapons a player can start with
- The weapons a player can collect
- The items a player can collect
In addition to the above there is an option to allow all weapon and ammunition pickups to contain maximum ammunition. It is also possible to specify which items are to be removed from the map altogether.
Completed Versions

Interested Scripters
If you are interested in developing this mod for UT2003 then add your name to the list. Once you start development you should indicate that below (and hopefully include a link to a journal page). Before you start development you should also check this section to see if anyone else has started.
EntropicLqd: I'll be working on a UT2004 version of this
NickR: I'm might have a crack at this. Sounds like a fun mutator. Give me a week or so, my damn job gives me no decent time to work on my mods!
EntropicLqd: I feel (and share) your pain.
NickR: I've begun working on this now. I'll have the first version available soon.
EntropicLqd: Would you like a copy of the code for the UT version?
CH3Z: Ahh cool! This is what i would have done instead of InstaVsSniper, had I more experience in scripting. I would very much like to know when this is available. I'm very interested to see the code, and what all was involved. I'll be checking back here.
EntropicLqd: It's finished (as far as I can tell anyway) - I just haven't had time to actually release it. I'll endevour to do that tonight. There are a ton of improvements that could be made to it as the configuration is not as simple as I'd like. I'm not to convinced about some of the code either but I can't think of a betterway of doing it at the moment.
EntropicLqd: Not going to be able to release it tonight. Send me an email ( and I'll send you a copy. I might even try and comment the code a bit more so you can see what's going on. It's not that badly commented but could probably do with a bit of going over.