Mod Ideas/OptOutTauntPacks

This mutator will allow players to join a server that has taunt packs installed and have a choice not to download them all. They can see the name of the taunt played instead. Dial-Uppers are sometimes very put off by having them forced on them. I have no idea where to start with this. Should this be client or server side? Would it have to be both? Is it even possible?
How to make this mod
Any ideas on how this could be done?
Interested Scripters
If you are interested in developing this mod for any UnrealTournament game then add your name to the list. Once you start development you should indicate that below (and hopefully include a link to a journal page). Before you start development you should also check this section to see if anyone else has started.
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Chez: Just do it
GRAF1K: I remember something about a BeyondUnreal news post about a SkinCity tutorial forcing download of skins. Or something. Ought to start there.
Ch3z: Sweet. I'll take a look. Ty
GRAF1K: Welcome. If you find it before I do, please post a link here. Thanks.