Sorry for any mistakes by English is not my native language.
The idea for this class comes to me when i found out that creating CloudZone and VacuumZone is not so good. Beside the worst thing was that CloudZone destroys all Actors (including FlagBase, CTFFlag and RedFlag?). So I change CloudZone code and mixed it up with VacuumZone code. I hope it will be helpful for anybody.
//========================================================== // Cloud zone is a good thing, but it destroys all actors // that enter this zone. That's why I create this class :) //========================================================== // Basicly it kills all pawns instantly or like Vacuum Zone. // Bot's are killed instantly. //========================================================== // CTF flag stays :) // Projectiles are destroyed //========================================================== // author: Raven // I use Vacuum Zone code. //========================================================== // If You want to use this script put me in Credits. class MCloudZone extends ZoneInfo; var int Damage; var name DamageType; var() bool bKillInstantly; // Player should be killed instantly after entered this zone? var() float KillTime; // How long to kill the player? var() float StartFlashScale; // Fog values for client death sequence var() Vector StartFlashFog; var() float EndFlashScale; var() Vector EndFlashFog; var() float DieFOV; // Field of view when dead (interpolates) var() float DieDrawScale; // Drawscale when dead function BeginPlay() { Super.BeginPlay(); Disable('Tick'); DieFOV = FClamp( DieFOV, 1, 170 ); } event ActorEntered( actor Other ) { Super.ActorEntered(Other); if (Other.IsA('Pawn')) { if(Other.IsA('PlayerPawn')) { Pawn(Other).PlaySound( Pawn(Other).Die, SLOT_Talk ); if(bKillInstantly) { Pawn(Other).TakeDamage(Damage, Pawn(Other),Pawn(Other).Location, Vect(0,0,0), DamageType); } else if(!bKillInstantly) { Enable('Tick'); } } else Pawn(Other).TakeDamage(Damage, Pawn(Other),Pawn(Other).Location, Vect(0,0,0), DamageType); } else if(Other.IsA('FlagBase')) { return; } else if(Other.IsA('CTFFlag')) { return; } else if(Other.IsA('RedFlag')) { return; } else { Other.Destroy(); } } function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local float ratio, curScale; local vector curFog; local PlayerPawn pPawn; local Pawn P; local bool bActive; local int OldFatness; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) { // Ensure player hasn't been dispatched through other means already (suicide?) if( (P.Region.Zone == self) && (P.Health > 0) ) { ratio = FMax(0.01,float(Max(P.Fatness,128) - P.Default.Fatness)/FMax(1,(255 - P.Default.Fatness))); ratio += DeltaTime/KillTime; bActive = true; // Fatness OldFatness = P.Fatness; P.Fatness = Max(P.Fatness,128) + Max(1, ratio * (255 - P.Default.Fatness) - (P.Fatness - P.Default.Fatness)); if ( P.Fatness < Max(OldFatness,P.Default.Fatness) ) P.Fatness = 255; // Fog & Field of view pPawn = PlayerPawn(P); if( pPawn != None ) { curScale = (EndFlashScale-StartFlashScale)*ratio + StartFlashScale; curFog = (EndFlashFog -StartFlashFog )*ratio + StartFlashFog; pPawn.ClientFlash( curScale, 1000 * curFog ); pPawn.SetFOVAngle( (DieFOV-pPawn.default.FOVAngle)*ratio + pPawn.default.FOVAngle); } if ( P.Fatness > 250 ) { Level.Game.SpecialDamageString = DamageString; P.TakeDamage ( 10000, P, P.Location, Vect(0,0,0), DamageType ); MakeNormal(P); } } } if( !bActive ) Disable('Tick'); } function MakeNormal(Pawn P) { local PlayerPawn PPawn; // set the fatness back to normal P.Fatness = P.Default.Fatness; P.DrawScale = P.Default.DrawScale; PPawn = PlayerPawn(P); if( PPawn != None ) PPawn.SetFOVAngle( PPawn.Default.FOVAngle ); } // When an actor leaves this zone. event ActorLeaving( actor Other ) { if( Other.bIsPawn ) MakeNormal(Pawn(Other)); Super.ActorLeaving(Other); } defaultproperties { Damage=999999 DamageType='Fell' KillTime=2.500000 StartFlashScale=1.000000 EndFlashScale=1.000000 DieFOV=90.000000 DieDrawScale=1.000000 DamageString="%o flayed away." bStatic=False bKillInstantly=false; }