Linked List
A linked list is a list of objects linked together by a series of pointers to another object in that list. In UnrealScript terms, each object has a reference to the next object in the list.
This allows for a near unlimited amount of objects to be connected; a worthy substitution for dynamic arrays (arrays of no defined size), which are not available in UnrealEngine1. (e.g. UT) This can be used for a variety of purposes: a player's inventory, a history of messages, a bunch of pipebombs a player can detonate, or even simply have easier and quicker access to certain actors such as Mutators and GameRules.
Articles about Linked Lists
Linked list
- Scripting Linked Lists – creating your own linked lists.
- /Existing Lists in Unreal Tournament – Details about the linked lists used in Unreal Tournament.
- Using Binary Trees And Linked Lists To Represent Group Hierarchy