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UT2003 :: Object >> xPrivilegeBase? >> LadderPrivs (Ladder1.46)
00001  //-----------------------------------------------------------
00002  // Ladder.LadderPrivs
00003  // Loads custom privilege data into server
00004  //-----------------------------------------------------------
00005  class LadderPrivs extends xPrivilegeBase;
00007  /*
00009  Lv - View currently loaded ladder
00010  Ls - Switch and apply ladder profile
00011  Le - Edit settings for profile (maps, mutators)
00012  Lm - Manage ladder profiles - add, delete, change game rules
00014  */
00016  defaultproperties
00017  {
00018       LoadMsg="Ladder Privileges Loaded"
00019       MainPrivs="L"
00020       SubPrivs="Lv|Ls|Le|Lm"
00021       Tags(0)="Ladder"
00022       Tags(1)="View Profile"
00023       Tags(2)="Switch Profile"
00024       Tags(3)="Edit Profile"
00025       Tags(4)="Manage Profile"
00026  }

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