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UT2003 :: Actor >> Pawn >> KVehicle >> KCar >> KHoverTank

Adding extra wheels is pretty easy, useful for making tanks or hovercrafts. :] Also, Rear Steering with forward steering allows for some sharp turns and cool looking vehicle :]

// KHoverTank.
// Base class for 6-invisible wheeled 'hover' vehicles using Karma
// Assumes negative-X is forward, negative-Y is right
class KHoverTank extends KCar

var KTire       midLeft, midRight;
var (KHoverTank)    class<KTire>    MidTireClass;
// Wheel positions
var const float     WheelMidAlong;
var const float     WheelMidAcross;

    // We replicate the Gear for brake-lights etc.
    unreliable if(Role == ROLE_Authority)
        CarState, Gear;

    reliable if(Role == ROLE_Authority)

// When new information is received, see if it's new. If so, pass bits off the wheels.
// Each part will then update its rigid body position via the KUpdateState event.
// JTODO: This is where clever unpacking would happen.
simulated event VehicleStateReceived()
    local vector ChassisY, SteerY, ChassisZ, calcPos, WheelY, lPos;
    local vector chassisPos, chassisLinVel, chassisAngVel, WheelLinVel, wPosRel;
    local Quat relQ, WheelQ;

    // Don't do anything if car isn't started up. 
    // Shouldn't need to worry about Front or Rear as it's done in Super.
    if( midLeft == None || midRight == None )


    ////////////////////////// MID LEFT //////////////////////////

    // Position
    lPos.X = WheelMidAlong;
    lPos.Y = WheelMidAcross;
    lPos.Z = CarState.WheelHeight[2];
    calcPos = chassisPos + QuatRotateVector(CarState.ChassisQuaternion, lPos);
    midLeft.ReceiveState.Position = KRBVecFromVector(calcPos);

    // Rotation
    wheelQ = midLeft.KGetRBQuaternion();
    WheelY = QuatRotateVector(wheelQ, vect(0, 1, 0));
    relQ = QuatFindBetween(WheelY, ChassisY);
    midLeft.ReceiveState.Quaternion = QuatProduct(relQ, wheelQ);
    // Velocity
    wPosRel = calcPos - chassisPos;
    WheelLinVel = chassisLinVel + (chassisAngVel Cross wPosRel);
    WheelLinVel += CarState.WheelVertVel[2] * ChassisZ;
    midLeft.ReceiveState.LinVel = KRBVecFromVector(WheelLinVel);

    midLeft.bReceiveStateNew = true;

    ////////////////////////// MID RIGHT //////////////////////////

    // Position
    lPos.X = WheelMidAlong;
    lPos.Y = WheelMidAcross;
    lPos.Z = CarState.WheelHeight[3];
    calcPos = chassisPos + QuatRotateVector(CarState.ChassisQuaternion, lPos);
    midRight.ReceiveState.Position = KRBVecFromVector(calcPos);

    // Rotation
    wheelQ = midRight.KGetRBQuaternion();
    WheelY = QuatRotateVector(wheelQ, vect(0, 1, 0));
    relQ = QuatFindBetween(WheelY, ChassisY);
    midRight.ReceiveState.Quaternion = QuatProduct(relQ, wheelQ);
    // Velocity
    wPosRel = calcPos - chassisPos;
    WheelLinVel = chassisLinVel + (chassisAngVel Cross wPosRel);
    WheelLinVel += CarState.WheelVertVel[3] * ChassisZ;
    midRight.ReceiveState.LinVel = KRBVecFromVector(WheelLinVel);

    midRight.bReceiveStateNew = true;

    ////// OTHER //////

    // Update control inputs
    Steering = CarState.ServerSteering;
    OutputTorque = CarState.ServerTorque;
    OutputBrake = CarState.ServerBrake;
    OutputHandbrakeOn = CarState.ServerHandbrakeOn;

    // Update flags

    CarState.bNewState = false;
    bNewCarState = true;


// Pack current state of whole car into the state struct, to be sent to the client.
// Should only get called on the server.
function PackState()
    local vector lPos, wPos, chassisPos, chassisLinVel, chassisAngVel, wPosRel, WheelLinVel;
    local vector ChassisX, ChassisZ, WheelY, oldPos, oldLinVel;
    local KRigidBodyState ChassisState, WheelState, TurrState;


    ////////////////////////// MID LEFT //////////////////////////
    wPos = KRBVecToVector(WheelState.Position);
    lPos = QuatRotateVector(QuatInvert(CarState.ChassisQuaternion), wPos - chassisPos);
    CarState.WheelHeight[2] = lPos.Z;

    wPosRel = KRBVecToVector(WheelState.Position) - chassisPos;
    WheelLinVel = chassisLinVel + (chassisAngVel Cross wPosRel);

    CarState.WheelVertVel[2] = 
        ((WheelState.LinVel.X - WheelLinVel.X)* ChassisZ.X) + 
        ((WheelState.LinVel.Y - WheelLinVel.Y)* ChassisZ.Y) + 
        ((WheelState.LinVel.Z - WheelLinVel.Z)* ChassisZ.Z);

    WheelY = QuatRotateVector(WheelState.Quaternion, vect(0, 1, 0));

    ////////////////////////// MID RIGHT //////////////////////////
    wPos = KRBVecToVector(WheelState.Position);
    lPos = QuatRotateVector(QuatInvert(CarState.ChassisQuaternion), wPos - chassisPos);
    CarState.WheelHeight[3] = lPos.Z;

    wPosRel = KRBVecToVector(WheelState.Position) - chassisPos;
    WheelLinVel = chassisLinVel + (chassisAngVel Cross wPosRel);

    CarState.WheelVertVel[3] = 
        ((WheelState.LinVel.X - WheelLinVel.X)* ChassisZ.X) + 
        ((WheelState.LinVel.Y - WheelLinVel.Y)* ChassisZ.Y) + 
        ((WheelState.LinVel.Z - WheelLinVel.Z)* ChassisZ.Z);

    WheelY = QuatRotateVector(WheelState.Quaternion, vect(0, 1, 0));

    // OTHER
    CarState.ServerSteering = Steering;
    CarState.ServerTorque = OutputTorque;
    CarState.ServerBrake = OutputBrake;
    CarState.ServerHandbrakeOn = OutputHandbrakeOn;

    // This flag lets the client know this data is new.
    CarState.bNewState = true;


simulated function PostNetBeginPlay()
    local vector RotX, RotY, RotZ, lPos;


    // Set up suspension graphics

    frontLeft.bHidden = True;  // Invisible wheels for hovercrafts
    frontRight.bHidden = True;  // Invisible wheels for hovercrafts
    rearLeft.bHidden = True;  // Invisible wheels for hovercrafts
    rearRight.bHidden = True;  // Invisible wheels for hovercrafts
    midLeft = spawn(MidTireClass, self,, Location + WheelMidAlong*RotX - WheelMidAcross*RotY + (256 /*WheelVert*/)*RotZ, Rotation);
    midLeft.SetDrawScale3D(vect(1, 1, 1));
    midLeft.bHidden = True; // Invisible wheels for hovercrafts

    midRight = spawn(MidTireClass, self,, Location + WheelMidAlong*RotX - WheelMidAcross*RotY + (256 /*WheelVert*/)*RotZ, Rotation);
    midRight.SetDrawScale3D(vect(1, -1, 1));
    midRight.bHidden = True; // Invisible wheels for hovercrafts

    lPos.X = WheelMidAlong;
    lPos.Y = -WheelMidAcross;
    midRight.WheelJoint = spawn(class'KCarWheelJoint', self);
    midRight.WheelJoint.KPos1 = lPos/50;
    midRight.WheelJoint.KPriAxis1 = vect(0, 0, 1);
    midRight.WheelJoint.KSecAxis1 = vect(0, 1, 0);
    midRight.WheelJoint.KConstraintActor1 = self;
    midRight.WheelJoint.KPos2 = vect(0, 0, 0);
    midRight.WheelJoint.KPriAxis2 = vect(0, 0, 1);
    midRight.WheelJoint.KSecAxis2 = vect(0, 1, 0);
    midRight.WheelJoint.KConstraintActor2 = midRight;

    lPos.Y = WheelMidAcross;
    midLeft.WheelJoint = spawn(class'KCarWheelJoint', self);
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KPos1 = lPos/50;
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KPriAxis1 = vect(0, 0, 1);
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KSecAxis1 = vect(0, 1, 0);
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KConstraintActor1 = self;
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KPos2 = vect(0, 0, 0);
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KPriAxis2 = vect(0, 0, 1);
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KSecAxis2 = vect(0, 1, 0);
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KConstraintActor2 = midLeft;

    // Initially make sure parameters are synced with Karma


// Clean up wheels etc.
simulated event Destroyed()

    // Destroy joints holding wheels to car

    // Destroy wheels themselves.



// Call this if you change any parameters (tire, suspension etc.) and they
// will be passed down to each wheel/joint.
simulated event KVehicleUpdateParams()


    midLeft.WheelJoint.bKSteeringLocked = true;
    midRight.WheelJoint.bKSteeringLocked = true;

    // unlock rear wheels for steering
    rearLeft.WheelJoint.bKSteeringLocked = false;

    rearLeft.WheelJoint.KProportionalGap = SteerPropGap;
    rearLeft.WheelJoint.KMaxSteerTorque = SteerTorque;
    rearLeft.WheelJoint.KMaxSteerSpeed = SteerSpeed;

    // unlock rear wheels for steering
    rearRight.WheelJoint.bKSteeringLocked = false;
    rearRight.WheelJoint.KProportionalGap = SteerPropGap;
    rearRight.WheelJoint.KMaxSteerTorque = SteerTorque;
    rearRight.WheelJoint.KMaxSteerSpeed = SteerSpeed;

    midLeft.WheelJoint.KSuspHighLimit = SuspHighLimit;
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KSuspLowLimit = SuspLowLimit;
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KSuspStiffness = SuspStiffness;
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KSuspDamping = SuspDamping;

    midRight.WheelJoint.KSuspHighLimit = SuspHighLimit;
    midRight.WheelJoint.KSuspLowLimit = SuspLowLimit;
    midRight.WheelJoint.KSuspStiffness = SuspStiffness;
    midRight.WheelJoint.KSuspDamping = SuspDamping;

    // Sync parameters with Karma - even front and rear wheels… Just incase. :P

    // Mass
    frontLeft.KSetMass(TireMass+2); // maybe increase front wheels mass to simulte engine weight??
    frontRight.KSetMass(TireMass+2); // maybe increase front wheels mass to simulte engine weight??

    midLeft.RollFriction = TireRollFriction;
    midLeft.LateralFriction = TireLateralFriction;
    midLeft.RollSlip = TireRollSlip;
    midLeft.LateralSlip = TireLateralSlip;
    midLeft.MinSlip = TireMinSlip;
    midLeft.SlipRate = TireSlipRate;
    midLeft.Softness = TireSoftness;
    midLeft.Adhesion = TireAdhesion;
    midLeft.Restitution = TireRestitution;

    midRight.RollFriction = TireRollFriction;
    midRight.LateralFriction = TireLateralFriction;
    midRight.RollSlip = TireRollSlip;
    midRight.LateralSlip = TireLateralSlip;
    midRight.MinSlip = TireMinSlip;
    midRight.SlipRate = TireSlipRate;
    midRight.Softness = TireSoftness;
    midRight.Adhesion = TireAdhesion;
    midRight.Restitution = TireRestitution;


// Car Simulation
simulated function Tick(float Delta)
    local float tana, sFactor;


    WheelSpinSpeed = (frontLeft.SpinSpeed 
            + frontRight.SpinSpeed 
            + rearLeft.SpinSpeed 
            + midLeft.SpinSpeed 
            + midRight.SpinSpeed 
            + rearRight.SpinSpeed)/6;

    // Motor
    // MID .. make them wheel spin :]
    midLeft.WheelJoint.KMotorTorque = 0.5 * OutputTorque * TorqueSplit;
    midRight.WheelJoint.KMotorTorque = 0.5 * OutputTorque * TorqueSplit;

    // Braking

        midLeft.WheelJoint.KBraking = MaxBrakeTorque;
        midRight.WheelJoint.KBraking = MaxBrakeTorque;
        midLeft.WheelJoint.KBraking = 0.0;
        midRight.WheelJoint.KBraking = 0.0;

    // Steering
    tana = Tan(6.283/65536 * Steering * MaxSteerAngle);
    sFactor = 0.5 * tana * (2 * WheelFrontAcross) / Abs(WheelFrontAlong - WheelRearAlong);

    // Make rear wheel turn in opposite direction to turn properly: -65536/6.283 
    RearLeft.WheelJoint.KSteerAngle = -65536/6.283 * Atan(tana, (1-sFactor));
    RearRight.WheelJoint.KSteerAngle = -65536/6.283 * Atan(tana, (1+sFactor));

    // Handbrake
    if(OutputHandbrakeOn == true)

        midLeft.LateralFriction = TireLateralFriction + TireHandbrakeFriction;
        midLeft.LateralSlip = TireLateralSlip + TireHandbrakeSlip;

        midRight.LateralFriction = TireLateralFriction + TireHandbrakeFriction;
        midRight.LateralSlip = TireLateralSlip + TireHandbrakeSlip;
        midLeft.LateralFriction = TireLateralFriction;
        midLeft.LateralSlip = TireLateralSlip;

        midRight.LateralFriction = TireLateralFriction;
        midRight.LateralSlip = TireLateralSlip;



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