The native, placeable Hinge joint class.
- float KDesiredAngle
- 65535 = 360 degrees
- float KAltDesiredAngle
- 65535 = 360 degrees
- float KDesiredAngVel
- 65535 = 1 rotation per second
- EHingeType KHingeType
- float KMaxTorque
- float KProportionalGap
- 65535 = 360 degrees
- float KStiffness
- float KDamping
- bool KUseAltDesired
- Will use KAltDesiredAngle.
- float KCurrentAngle
- HT_Normal
- Will spin freely around the given axis, KDesiredAngle.
- HT_Springy
- The given spin axis is able to move, but will return to normal.
- HT_Motor
- Will constantly spin around the given axis.
- HT_Controlled
- Somewhere between HT_Springy and HT_Motor, where a constant spin is applied to an axis that is able to move.
Default (auto)
In this state nothing will happen if this hinge is triggered or untriggered.
Ignores Trigger, UnTrigger.
In this state, Trigger will cause the hinge type to change to HT_Motor. Another trigger will toggle it to HT_Controlled, and it will try and maintain its current angle.
Ignores UnTrigger.
- Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- If KHingeType == HT_Motor, sets KDesiredAngle = KCurrentAngle, KUseAltDesired = False and KHingeType = HT_Controlled. Otherwise sets KHingeType = HT_Motor. Calls KUpdateConstraintParams() and KConstraintActor1.KWake().
- Begin
- Sets KHingeType = HT_Controlled and KUseAltDesired = False. Calls KUpdateConstraintParams().
In this state, Trigger will turn motor on. Untrigger will turn toggle it to HT_Controlled, and it will try and maintain its current angle.
- Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- if KHingeType != HT_Motor, sets KHingeType = HT_Motor and calls KUpdateConstraintParams() and KConstraintActor1.KWake().
- UnTrigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- if KHingeType == HT_Motor, sets KDesiredAngle = KCurrentAngle, KUseAltDesired = False and KHingeType = HT_Controlled, then calls KUpdateConstraintParams() and KConstraintActor1.KWake().
- Begin
- Sets KHingeType = HT_Controlled and KUseAltDesired = False. Calls KUpdateConstraintParams().
In this state a trigger will toggle the hinge between using KDesiredAngle and KAltDesiredAngle. It will use whatever the current KHingeType is to achieve this, so this is only useful with HT_Controlled and HT_Springy.
Ignores Untrigger.
- Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- Toggles KUseAltDesired. Calls KUpdateConstraintParams() and KConstraintActor1.KWake().
In this state, trigger will cause the hinge to use KAltDesiredAngle, untrigger will caus it to use KAltDesiredAngle.
- Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- Sets KUseAltDesired = True and calls KUpdateConstraintParams() and KConstraintActor1.KWake().
- UnTrigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- Sets KUseAltDesired = False and calls KUpdateConstraintParams() and KConstraintActor1.KWake().