Hunted Lesson 2
Hunted2003 tutorial, Lesson 2: Custom Models.
I initially wanted to start on the custom class selection menu first, but then I realized that I would need a custom model first, as we need pictures of each player to make our menu page. So I will try to give a quick intro into making custom characters, or players. This is not a totally crucial step in modding, and if you do not want to fool around with Photoshop or get into the graphic side of things you can skip this part
Step 1
First I Figured out which models I wanted to skin and change into my custom Hunted models.
(note, I am only skinning existing models, not creating new models for this tutorial)
- President - Harlequin
- Sniper - Romulus
- Soilder - Wraith
- Medic - Satin
- Heavy Weapons - Frostbite
Then I opened the xplayersL1.upl file located in the Unreal2003/system directory
This file contains all the info about each player in the game. The game uses this file to decide how to display each model, what to name it, what static meshes to use, and what skins to put on the head and body. We will not use this file in our final mod, as they won't be neccessary once we get our menus working. However I like to use them to preview my models before I continue.
Take a look at the listings for our five characters.
Player=(DefaultName="Frostbite",Mesh=Jugg.JuggMaleA,species=xGame.SPECIES_Jugg, BodySkin=PlayerSkins.JuggMaleABodyA,FaceSkin=PlayerSkins.JuggMaleAHeadB, Portrait=PlayerPictures.cJuggMaleAB,Text=XPlayers.JuggMaleAB,Sex=Male,Menu="SP", FavoriteWeapon=xWeapons.RocketLauncher,Accuracy=-0.2,StrafingAbility=0.6,Tactics=0.5) Player=(DefaultName="Wraith",Mesh=HumanMaleA.MercMaleA,species=xGame.SPECIES_Merc, BodySkin=PlayerSkins.MercMaleABodyA,FaceSkin=PlayerSkins.MercMaleAHeadA, Portrait=PlayerPictures.cMercMaleAA,Text=XPlayers.MercMaleAA,Sex=Male,Menu="SP", FavoriteWeapon=xWeapons.RocketLauncher,bJumpy=1,Tactics=-0.2,Aggressiveness=+0.2, Accuracy=-0.1,StrafingAbility=+0.5) Player=(DefaultName="Romulus",Mesh=HumanMaleA.MercMaleB,species=xGame.SPECIES_Merc, BodySkin=PlayerSkins.MercMaleBBodyA,FaceSkin=PlayerSkins.MercMaleBHeadAFinal, Portrait=PlayerPictures.cMercMaleBA,Text=XPlayers.MercMaleBA,Sex=Male,Menu="SP", FavoriteWeapon=xWeapons.FlakCannon,Aggressiveness=+0.25,Tactics=0.5,Accuracy=-0.3,StrafingAbility=+0.7) Player=(DefaultName="Satin",Mesh=HumanFemaleA.MercFemaleB,species=xGame.SPECIES_Merc, BodySkin=PlayerSkins.MercFemaleBBodyA,FaceSkin=PlayerSkins.MercFemaleBHeadB, Portrait=PlayerPictures.cMercFemaleBB,Text=XPlayers.MercFemaleBB,Sex=Female,Menu="SP", FavoriteWeapon=xWeapons.ShockRifle,StrafingAbility=-0.5,Tactics=-0.3) Player=(DefaultName="Harlequin",Mesh=HumanMaleA.NightMaleB,species=xGame.SPECIES_Night, BodySkin=PlayerSkins.NightMaleBBodyFinalA,FaceSkin=PlayerSkins.NightMaleBHeadBFinal, Portrait=PlayerPictures.cNightMaleBB,Text=XPlayers.NightMaleBB,Sex=Male,Accuracy=+0.3,StrafingAbility=+0.7)
We need to make note of the BodySkin and FaceSkin entries for each one.
Then we must open the PlayerSkins.utx texture package in UnrealEd. Select each one of these skins and export them. Then you must open each one in PhotoShop and modify it. I have saved examples of each texture I modified below: