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UT :: Actor >> HUD

The superclass for all heads-up display classes.



globalconfig int HudMode
globalconfig int Crosshair
The number of the currently selected crosshair. (?)
class<Menu> MainMenuType
Menu MainMenu
The menu used in Unreal.
string HUDConfigWindowType
The name of the class used to configure this HUD.
Color WhiteColor
A color variable containing the color used as "white". (Default is R=0, G=128, B=255 which is a kind of light blue)
Mutator HUDMutator
The first Mutator registered as HUD mutator. To go through all HUD mutators use the mutator's NexHUDMutator variable.
PlayerPawn PlayerOwner
The player owning this HUD. (ChallengeHUD.PawnOwner is the Pawn (UT) the HUD currently displays info for)

HUDLocalizedMessage struct

class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message
The LocalMessage (UT) class used to create this message.
int Switch
The Switch parameter used in various functions of the LocalMessage.
PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI
Object OptionalObject
The OptionalObject parameter used in various functions of the LocalMessage.
float EndOfLife
float LifeTime
bool bDrawing
int numLines
string StringMessage
color DrawColor
The message's text color.
font StringFont
The message's font.
float XL, YL
float YPos


function ClearMessage (out HUDLocalizedMessage M)
Resets the HUDLocalizedMessage M.
function CopyMessage (out HUDLocalizedMessage M1, HUDLocalizedMessage M2)
Copies the values of M2 into M1.
simulated event PreRender (Canvas Canvas)
Called before world geometry is drawn.
simulated event PostRender (Canvas Canvas)
Called after world geometry is drawn and fog is applied. This contains the main HUD rendering functionality.
simulated function InputNumber (byte F)
simulated function ChangeHud (int d)
Probably used to select a HUD type as saved in the HudMode variable. (???)
simulated function ChangeCrosshair (int d)
Changes the crosshair.
simulated function DrawCrossHair (Canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY)
Draws the crosshair.
simulated function Message (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string Msg, name N)
Called when receiving a new string message. (e.g. a kill with damage type 'SpecialDamage')
simulated function LocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject, optional string CriticalString)
Called when receiving a new LocalMessage. (e.g. flag capture, any kill in UT, etc...)
simulated function PlayReceivedMessage (string S, string PName, ZoneInfo PZone)
simulated function bool DisplayMessages (Canvas (UT) Canvas)
DisplayMessages is called by the Console in PostRender. It offers the HUD a chance to deal with messages instead of the Console. Returns true if messages were dealt with.
function bool ProcessKeyEvent (int Key, int Action, float Delta)

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