The HoldObjective actor is used in the Assault gametype. General setup is the same as other objectives; however, to disable it, it must receive the event that matches its tag. This usually occurs when a door or gate is opened. This is done by setting the HoldObjective's Properties>HoldObjective>MoverTag to the appropriate mover's tag, then setting that mover's event to match the HoldObjective's tag. The time it takes to complete the objective is determined by the mover's movetime.
If this setup is done properly, several things will happen when a player is in the collision radius of the HoldObjective actor. First, the appropriate mover will begin to move. Second, the bars around the circle in front of the objective instructions at the top of the screen will begin to go away. When none are left, the objective is complete. Third, a siren will go off (this sound can be changed, like with any other objective, in the Assault section of the objective's properties). Fourth, when the objective is complete, its event will be sent out and the next objective will become active.
Specific Properties
- bLocationFx
- MoverTag
Associates a mover with the HoldObjective. See above.
Relevant Actors
- See GameObjective