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UT2003 :: Object >> GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIMultiComponent >> GUIMenuOption (Package: XInterface)

Parent class for combined components that include a caption and a widget.


string ComponentClassName
Name of the component to spawn. Subclasses of this set a default.
localized string Caption
Caption for the label
string LabelFont
Name of the Font for the label
Color LabelColor
Color for the label
bool bHeightFromComponent
Get the Height of this component from the subcomponent (the thing spawned by ComponentClassName). For example, a moComboBox? will obtain its WinHeight from its embedded GUIComboBox? object's default height. Beware of this property! It is True by default, and that means that setting WinHeight will have NO effect and you'll be tearing your hair to work out why!
float CaptionWidth
How big should the Caption be
float ComponentWidth
How big should the Component be (-1 = 1-CaptionWidth)
bool bFlipped
Draw the Component to the left of the caption
eTextAlign LabelJustification
How do we justify the label: one of TXTA_Left, TXTA_Center, TXTA_Right (defined in GUI).
eTextAlign ComponentJustification
How do we justify the label
bool bSquare
Use the Height for the Width
bool bVerticalLayout
Layout controls vertically

Known Subclasses

   +- GUIListSpacer? (UT2004)
   |    +- GUIListHeader? 
   +- moButton? (UT2004)
   +- moCheckBox
   +- moComboBox?
   |    +- moComboBoxPlus? 
   +- moEditBox?
   |    +- AnimatedEditBox? 
   +- moFloatEdit?
   +- moNumericEdit
   |    +- moFormatNumEdit? 
   +- moSlider? (UT2004)


Tarquin: these are great, but is there a nice way to set properties for the subwidgets? Eg, I can do this:


in the InitComponent() of the panel I'm using this in, but not this in default props of the same panel:

  Begin Object class=moComboBox Name=TestComboBox
    WinTop    = 0.4;
    WinLeft   = 0.0;
    WinWidth  = 1.0;
    WinHeight = 0.1;
    Caption="Combo box"
    MyComboBox.List.TextAlign=TXTA_Left; // chokes!
  End Object

Category Class (UT2003)

Category Class (UT2004)

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