
They Both look like a little explosion.
UT-Only information.
In UT2003 Emitters can be used to create far better glass breaking effects. The EmittersExample page has a description on how to create a [Breaking Glass] effect.
ExplodingWall Properties
- BreakingSound
- Select the sound you'd like to use whe the wall breaks.
- TranslucentGlass
- If you want your glass pieces to be transparent.
- UnlitGlass
- If you want glass pieces to be unlit.
- ExplosionDimension
- Affects how big the explosion is. Experiment
- ExplosionSize
- Affects how big the explosion is. Experiment
- GlassParticleSize
- How big the exploding pieces are. Experiment
- GlassTexture
- What texture you'd like the glass to be.
- Health
- If you'd like to make your wall be able to sustain some damage before exploding than use this.
- NumGlassChunks
- How many chunks/pieces of glass. Experiment
NumWoodChunks/NumWallChunks, WallTexture/WoodTexture, WallParticleSize/WoodParticleSize are same as glass properties except they are for differnt materials. You can choose to have a mix of all three if you have a wall say which is concrete and has wood and a window or use just two or a single one. It is upto you. Have fun and experiment. Make sure that you do not have chunks that are too big and a lot of partciles on screen at once to prevent lag.
- bOnlyTriggerable (in Effects)
- If you'd like to set it off with a trigger instead of weapons based damage. Make sure to set Events → Tag to tie it to a Trigger.
Breaking Glass is the same as Exploding wall actor except it has an additional property called BreakingGlass → BreakingGlass where you can set the number of particles and size without messing in the ExplodingWall properties. You also do not need to specify a glass texture here since it is automatically set to use a default one. Basically this actor is redundant as you can do the same thing with the ExplodingWall Texture.
The tutorial Making Glass Break explains how to use this actor.