My Tutorials
My Contributions
My Projects
About Me
I am a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo.
I use my computer too much, be it watching anime, coding, or whatever. I find it difficult to do assignments over pursuing my own interests.
Unless it's for my Japanese class, so far I've had no trouble finding the time to do work for that class.
System Specs
Commenty stuff
ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hi and welcome to the wiki!
beat wormbo!
Wormbo: Welcome to the Wiki! Have a nice stay and add yourself to the Project Contributors list, please.
EntropicLqd: Welcome to the Wiki.
ProjectX: Dunno how old this is or whether you're still using the wiki for an Unreal Resource, but hey, welcom and, ZxAnPhOrIaN, congratulations on beating Wormbo, that's an impressive feat of speed of hand and speed of network connection
Draconx: LOL
Tarquin: Hello and a belated welcome to the wiki