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Conversation (DX)

DX :: Object (DX) >> [ConObject (DX)]? >> Conversation (ConSys)


String audioPackageName
Unique identifier of audio package. this is used to generate audio names so we can demand load audio from a package
Bool bCanBeInterrupted
True if this conversation can be interrupted by another
Bool bCannotBeInterrupted
True if this conversation CANNOT be interrupted by another
bool bDataLinkCon
True if this is a DataLink conversation
Bool bDisplayOnce
Flag to display conversation only once
Bool bFirstPerson
Remain in First-Person mode
bool bGenerateAudioNames
True if we're to auto-generate filenames for the audio
Bool bInvokeBump
Invoke by Bumping
Bool bInvokeFrob
Invoke by Frobbing
Bool bInvokeRadius
Invoke by Radius
Bool bInvokeSight
Invoke by Sight
Bool bNonInteractive
True if non-interactive conversation
Bool bRandomCamera
True if random camera placement
name conName
Conversation name
String conOwnerName
Name of Actor owner
int conversationID
Internal Conversation ID
string CreatedBy
Who created event
String Description
ConEvent eventList
First Event
ConFlagRef flagRefList
Flag List
Float lastPlayedTime
Time when conversation last played (ended).
int ownerRefCount
Number of owners this conversation has
int radiusDistance
Distance from PC needed to invoke conversation, 0 = Frob


AddFlagRef( Name flagName , Bool value )
Adds a flag reference, using the given flag name and value passed in
BindActorEvents( Actor actorToBind )
BindEvents( Actor conBoundActors [ 10 ] , Actor invokeActor )
bool CheckActorDistances( Actor player )
Checks to see how far all the actors are away from each other to make sure it's reasonable to start a conversation. Ignore the player in these checks.
bool CheckActors( optional bool bLogActors )
Checks to see if all the actors doing speaking in the conversation actually exist.
ClearBindEvents( )
ConCamera CreateConCamera( )
ConFlagRef CreateFlagRef( Name flagName , bool flagValue )
ConEvent GetEventFromLabel( String searchLabel )
Searches this conversation for a label and returns it. If it can't ind a matching label then it returns None.
String GetFirstSpeakerDisplayName( optional String startLabel )
GetFirstSpeechActors( out Actor firstSpeaker , out Actor firstSpeakingTo )
Looks for the first Speech event in this conversation and returns the speaker and speakingTo actors. This is used to setup the first camera event
Sound GetSpeechAudio( int soundID )
Float GetSpeechLength( int soundID )
Bool IsSpeakingActor( Actor speakingActor )
Looks to see if the actor passed in is even involved in this conversation. Returns True if the actor has a speaking part.

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