The base class for dead bodies and body parts.
- bool bPlayerCarcass
- byte flies
- byte rats
- bool bReducedHeight
- bool bDecorative
- bool bSlidingCarcass
- int CumulativeDamage
- PlayerReplicationInfo (UT) PlayerOwner
- Pawn (UT) Bugs
- CreateReplacement ( )
- Initfor (Actor (UT) Other)
- ChunkUp (int Damage)
- bool AllowChunk (int N, name A) [static, simulated]
State Dead
- AddFliesAndRats ( )
- CheckZoneCarcasses ( )
Known Subclasses
- CreatureCarcass? (Contains whole bodies of Pawn (UT)s from Unreal. These can be mutilated into CreatureChunks?.)
- CreatureChunks? (Contains body parts such as heads, tails, arms, legs, and guts from Unreal's Pawn (UT)s.
- UTHumanCarcass?
- UTCreatureChunks?