Actor (UT)/Movement
Properties that relate to location, orientation and movement.
- AttachTag
- see Attaching Actors
- bBounce
- Bounces when hits ground fast
- bFixedRotationDir
- Fixed direction of rotation
- bRotateToDesired
- Rotate to DesiredRotation
- Buoyancy
- Water buoyancy define values
- DesiredRotation
- Physics will smoothly rotate actor to this rotation if bRotateToDesired.
- Location
- a vector giving the position of the actor in the world. Remember when setting this that the engine uses a left-handed coordinate system (see
Handedness for definition & pictures).
- Mass
- Mass of this actor. define values
- Physics
- see PhysicsType for the list
- Rotation
- see below.
- RotationRate
- Change in rotation per second.
- Velocity
- Actor's velocity.
Rotations are measured in unreal rotation units. A right angle is 16384.
Note that an actor's rotation can be set graphically: Setting Advanced → bDirectional to True will cause UnrealEd to display a direction arrow on the actor. It is then possible to rotate it the same way as a brush.
Quick definition of the rotation angles. Imagine you are standing at the origin, facing the positive X axis.
- Pitch
- Tilting forward or backward, dipping on the X axis.
- Roll
- Wobbling from side to side, dipping on the Y axis.
- Yaw
- Turning from left to right.